Charlotte St. Martin: Reopening Broadway with Resilience


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Did you know there are more people attending Broadway shows annually than all attendees of New York-area professional sports games combined? In fact, in their last full season, Broadway received 14.8 million theater lovers in New York City alone, whereas the 10 professional teams located in the New York area received a little more than 10 million sports fans.

Though Broadway shows will remain closed to everyone for the rest of 2020, Broadway League President Charlotte St. Martin continues her work in preparing for a safe and sustainable opening season.

In our newest episode of City National Conversations, City National Bank CEO Kelly Coffey speaks with St. Martin, one of the most influential leaders on Broadway, about how Broadway plans to re-open in a safe, healthy and financially viable manner.

St. Martin speaks to Coffey about not only the economic and emotional impact of COVID-19 on the theater community but also what's being done to provide leadership and education for aspiring Broadway talent.

Listen to learn more about how Broadway is preparing now for the bright future of theater. 

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