What do you want your money to do for you?

Whether you’re investing for you, your family, your business or something else entirely, we’re here to help make sure your money is working toward a purpose.

Start with a goal and a plan.

Knowing what you want your money to do helps us determine the best direction to take. Will you need to cash out in five or 50 years? Can you weather a storm if the market gets rough? We’ll ask these types of questions and come up with a game plan together.

A complete picture makes for a better strategy.

After getting to know you and your goals, we’ll take a look at your complete financial picture to help create a smart, holistic strategy. As goals are achieved and priorities shift, we'll shift — ensuring each of your objectives is accounted for. 

Timing is everything.

We know that the market moves fast. Our Portfolio Managers stay up to date with the latest news and insights so that we’re ready to take action when opportunity strikes.

Investing with City National

Create a goal. Set a timeline. Make a game plan. Invest confidently with expert guidance on your side.

Multi-Manager Diversification

This team-based approach to portfolio management pairs complementary risk tolerance styles with a common goal. The result? Long-term performance with a goal of even, steady growth.

Tax Efficiency

Efficiency is the name of the game. Our Portfolio Managers can optimize your investments so they are as tax-advantaged as possible.1


Three-Level Risk Management Process

Research. Analyze. Adjust. Repeat. Our three-level risk management process is designed to safeguard your wealth and align with your investment risk appetite.


Proprietary Research & Insights

With years of proprietary research and unique market insights, our experienced portfolio managers can help take the anxiety out of the investment process and provide you with an effective investment strategy.

Asset Classes with Distinct Advantages

There’s no perfect recipe for portfolio performance. But the right blend of asset classes can help meet — or exceed — your investment goals.


We use research and analysis to identify attractive companies within their sector. Strategies range from domestic equities and international and emerging markets, to funds designed for dividend yield.

Core Fixed Income

Seasoned bond professionals on one side. An institutional trading network on the other. Together, we actively manage fixed income portfolios with diversified taxable and tax-exempt strategies.

Opportunistic Income

We offer access to a wide range of nontraditional fixed income markets. Through a combination of unique design and creative implementation, we attempt to capture attractive yields with minimal interest rate sensitivity.

Real Assets

By targeting specific segments of the commodity or real estate markets with compelling risk/return expectations, we're able to offer clients a differentiated total return experience.

Alternative Investments

Access a range of alternative strategies designed to enhance risk/return profiles. Portfolios can gain greater diversification by supplementing traditional holdings with non-correlated, nontraditional strategies.

Connect with us.

Send us your information and a member of our team
will contact you to get started.

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A bank representative will be reaching out to you shortly. In the meantime, check out our latest news and insights.

To determine if these Funds are an appropriate investment for you, carefully consider each Fund's investment objectives, risk factors and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Funds' prospectus, which may be obtained by clicking here or by calling (888) 889-0799. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.

1. City National, as a matter of policy, does not give tax, accounting, regulatory, or legal advice. All decisions regarding the tax or legal implications of your investments should be made in connection with your independent tax or legal advisor.