Accounts payable, meet autopilot.
Track, send, spend and more with our automated accounts payable solutions.
We support you and your business every step of the way.
Track, send, spend and more with our automated accounts payable solutions.
We support you and your business every step of the way.
From managing invoices and related documents to streamlining approvals and generating electronic payments, Book2Bank saves you time, improves control and helps secure your payments. Our business payment platform can help
automate your entire accounts payable process.
AgilLink1 provides scalable bill pay while adding more control for business managers, sports professional
firms and family offices.
Connect with us.
Send us your information and a member of our team will contact you to get started.
*Required information
City National Bank, its affiliates and subsidiaries, as matter of policy, does not give tax, accounting, regulatory or legal advice. Rules in the areas of law, tax, and accounting are subject to change and open to varying interpretation. You should consult with our other advisors on the tax, accounting and legal implications of actions you may take based on any strategies presented taking into account your own particular circumstances.
Additional Terms and Agreements apply for all City National Bank products and services. For more information, please see the Treasury Management Disclosure and Agreement.
1. AgilLink is an RBC company and is an affiliate of City National Bank.