Update Your Contact Information

Whether you are moving, got a new phone number, or updated your email address, be sure to update your contact information through City National Online®. 

Update your information from a web browser

Email Address(es):

  1. Sign in to City National Online.
  2. Select “My Profile” in the top right of the page.
  3. Confirm your identity.
  4. Select the dropdown next to Email Addresses.
  5. Select “Edit” or “Add Email Address.”
    • You can add up to 2 different email addresses, and set one Primary Email Address to receive communications from us.
  6. Make your updates.
  7. Select “Save.”

Phone Number(s):

  1. Sign in to City National Online.
  2. Select “My Profile” in the top right of the page.
  3. Confirm your identity.
  4. Select the dropdown next to Phone Numbers.
  5. Select “Edit” or “Add Phone Number.”
  6. Select the Country and Phone Type.
  7. Enter and confirm your phone number.
  8. Select “Save.”

Mailing address:

  1. Sign in to City National Online.
  2. Select “My Accounts.”
  3. Select “Online Banking.”
  4. Select the “Customer Service” tab in the top navigation.
  5. Select “Change address” under Account Maintenance.
  6. Enter your new address.
  7. Select whether this address should be used for all accounts, or just for those that use the previous address.
  8. Select “Submit.”

Refer to our Online and Mobile Banking Service Agreement to learn more about accessing our online and mobile services.